Vassil Levski Military Union - Shipka Bulgarian National Movement




Allies and international contacts




Scary report about the situation on the bulgarian-turkish border!

Read carefully:

In the recent months the illegal activity on our border is extremely increased.

Daily invade us from Turkey better prepared and organized groups that are having conduct of combat troops.

The groups consist mainly of radical Islamists aged between 18 and 30 years.

The members of each observed group have the following:

- Good knowledge of the routes of penetration and movement (they use also deceptive maneuvers, signs, etc.), ie they are pre-prepared by instructors and/or foreign military!!

- 96% males;

- Nationality - Afghans, Pakistanis, Iraqis. Do you see the word "Syrian"? ...

- Disciplined and trained method of elusion when localized;

- Visible hierarchy in the group and unquestioning obedience to their leader;

- Change the destination - instead of Germany, the ultimate goal is now Sofia (our beloved capital)!

Report on the activity of the Bulgarian voluntary border patrols - 09/04/2016
Report on the activity of the Bulgarian voluntary border patrols - 09/04/2016

Report on the activity of the Bulgarian voluntary border patrols - 09/04/2016

Please, share this information to as many friends and groups as possible!


Линк към видео

Vassil Levski Military Union and Shipka Bulgarian National Movement started
an accelerated creation of a separate division for Special Operations and Antiterrorism.

Vassil Levski Military Union

Published on: 2016-09-07 13:09:28